
5 things to do during Summer

Summer is already here in the Philippines! Well, it has been hot here  for the most 365 days of the year!😀

When I hear summer these are mostly what I think most people will do during that season. I am not saying that these things should only be done during summer. I mean, you can pretty much do anything anytime you want. 🙂

  1. Go to the beach. Summer is the best time to go to the beach since you won’t be thinking about being cold or having to fear if it’s going to rain or not. I mean it probably will rain still but it’s sunny for the most part. This is the perfect time to enjoy the benefits of the sun like getting some vitamin D and getting tanned to. Don’t forget your sunblocks though! You don’t want to burn or get premature aging and blah blah blah. :p


2. Do outdoor activities.You might want to go scuba diving, kayaking, mountain climbing, hiking, and pretty much any outdoor activities that interests you.



3. Travel. It’s the best time to travel since it’s the time of the month where a lot of students get to have their summer vacations. Travel with your family and friends. Travel the world or your country.


4. Eat Halo-Halo. If you haven’t tried this then why haven’t you?? It’s a filipino dessert that I am sure you will love. There are many variations on how to make halo-halo nowadays but mostly the ingredients are just crushed ice, gulaman, jackfruit, banana, boiled sweet beans, coconut, ice cream, etc. Might as well show you a picture instead of blabbing about it. 🙂


You can check it here for more information on this or if you like to make one. Hehe.

5. Enjoy! How can you do these things if you don’t enjoy it right? It’s probably the most important thing to remember. Enjoy these things with your family and friends. Do the most of what life gives you or what others would say.. YOLO!


I hope you like this post. Comment down below on what you are looking forward to do in Summer. 🙂





I actually deleted the original post so I had to make another one! *sigh*. Hope you’ll love this one.

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