

Hi tatay Digong. I know you don’t know me personally but I know you know me by heart. I am one of your children here in the Philippines, specifically in Davao City. I have known you since I can remember. I have come to know you as a strong, courageous and a very empathetic leader.

The day you took an oath at the Malacaňang was the day we all hoped for a better life and a better country. Change has come. Change did come but some people were afraid of change and so a lot of them were on their leads to destroy you, to destroy what you have done for us and to destroy what you have done for the country so far.

September 2, 2016 was a very memorable date not just for the Davaoeňos but to all the people here in the Philippines.The once peaceful and one of the safest city (Davao City) in the world has been torn into pieces. We have come to know terrorism in a very harsh way. I mean it has always been harsh. Terrorism is one part but listening to some Filipinos laugh at our misery is very disappointing and saddening. Filipinos should be helping each other and not destroying one another. Some are hypocrites! Acknowledging the other countries’ misery and yet laughing at our own demise.

I am not writing this to preach, well it’s a little bit like that but anyway, I hope you’re still in good condition. I hope you’re taking care of your health, I mean let’s admit it you are no longer young. Stress will always be there but a good leader like you is like a gem, it’s delicate and it’s difficult to find.

Honestly, I’m afraid, not for myself but for your safety. People do come and go but you’re one of those who I don’t want to go yet not for another lifetime. You are one of those leaders who I look up to and who I treat like my own father. Just by writing this makes me tear up but I have to compose myself to let you know that we are doing good and we are slowly getting back to how it was before.

I know you can’t even rest thinking of our country  but just like our fathers we also want you to take good care of yourself. Rest even if it’s just an hour or so. You need it.

Thank you for always thinking about us. Thank you for always looking for our sake. Thank you for being our Tatay. We believe in you tatay Digong. I know in God’s time everything will come to an end. Everyone will live their lives without fear. Don’t lose hope because we know you can do it. WE can do it.

Take good care tatay Digong because we, the davaoeňos LOVE YOU!


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