Beauty, Reviews

Extensive Review: Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay Mask (Oily Skin’s Bestfriend)

I bought Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay Mask a couple of weeks ago because I have been breaking out so much that I just wanted these pesky pimples to get out of my freaking face!! lol. Anyway, I bought this from Shopee and it’s in a smaller tub because the seller @belladonaj sold the 75g at… Read More Extensive Review: Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay Mask (Oily Skin’s Bestfriend)

Beauty, Makeup

Video: GRWM: Simple 10 minute makeup ft. Johnsons Baby Powder for Baking

I was really frustrated yesterday and instead of working I filmed a video! Yey! Lol! Actually I won’t work until I get paid. I hope I’ll get paid today because I want to work!. 🙁 Anyway, this is a GRWM ft. Johnsons baby powder as my baking powder. I saw this technique on instagram I… Read More Video: GRWM: Simple 10 minute makeup ft. Johnsons Baby Powder for Baking

Beauty, Makeup

Simple Eye Makeup : Makeup Revolution Palette

This is probably my favorite eye makeup because one it’s simple and second is because I’m BASIC! lol. First of all, this picture will probably freak you out! Haha. But anyway, that is the eye makeup I wore on my last post which is the “OOTN (Little Black Dress):Birthday Party“. You can check that out… Read More Simple Eye Makeup : Makeup Revolution Palette