Events, Favorites


Hi! Me and my boyfriend just had our 3rd year anniversary last July 23, 2015. I tried to surprise him with something I prepared and made because I wanted to bring back what we usually do, which is making things like letters, preparing food, etc., when we first started dating. This is not original I… Read More Surprise!

Beauty, Makeup

Late Night Damage!!

Well, technically not because it is DRUGSTORE!! Woot woot! Lol. But technically anything drugstore that’s not from the Philippines is kind of pricey here. Anyway, it makes me happy and that’s what’s important. 🙂 So, here are the things I bought couple of days ago at (I did not noticed that my purchase were… Read More Late Night Damage!!

Favorites, Thoughts


Hi everyone! So I was feeling sick and couldn’t think of anything to post on my blog. Glad I received a notification on one of my blogs that blondewaves nominated me to the Sisterhood of the World Blogger award! I was really flattered that I was one of the bloggers she nominated. This is actually… Read More SISTERHOOD OF THE WORLD BLOGGER AWARD! | 10 RANDOM QUESTIONS


Thoughts to ponder

Some guys need you because they love you. Some need you because they want to use you for any reasons they have in mind. Some are just way difficult for you to understand. Others make you feel like you have a girlfriend instead of the other way round. *sigh* Relationships aren’t “goals” all the time!