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Review: Skindinavia Primer and Makeup setting spray

Hi! 🙂

I started using makeup setting sprays last year and the first one that I got was the Model in a Bottle one with a matte finish. I actually was not that impressed with it but I was constantly using it because it’s all I have that time. Then I bought the Mac Fix+ and I love it but I don’t spray it all over my face because I’m hella oily and that spray just gives you the dew that you already have. It’s really good if you spray it on your highlight and shadows though coz it will emphasize it’s shine and color. 🙂

Anyway, this is not all about those two mentioned above but these products on the picture.

(Left) Makeup Finishing Spray and (Right) Primer Spray

I heard of the brand Skindinavia a couple of months ago through I think KathleenLights channel on youtube (BTW you should check her out coz she’s so “entertaining”. lol). And then I heard it on other youtubers channel and that made me so curious about it. The thing that stuck into my mind is that these sprays according to them won’t budge even on the most humid places in the world. Well, I’m actually exaggerating. :p But to the places like Miama which is humid and hot.

I bought these two I think last month or 2 months ago. I’m not quite sure but it’s been a while since then. And let me tell you! I LOVE them!

My skin is OILY as ef and nothing seems to stay on my face whenever I wear makeup especially when I go to work where we don’t have AC and good ventilation. I’m a nurse so after I do my rounds to all the patients (In the Philippines you are not just dealing with 1 patient but almost 200 of them if you’re assigned at the Obstetrics ward.) which takes me around an hour to do that, my face would be sweating as h***.

Anyway!!!! Sorry for getting side tracked with my work and all and not getting into the REVIEW directly! LOL (FORGIVE ME!!!) xD

I bought the oil control one on both the sprays and I’d say they are both bulletproof makeup sprays! I tried using the primer spray only and my makeup stayed for the most part! My blush faded a bit though. I tried using the Finishing makeup spray only and my makeup lasted longer than the Primer one. But if you use both of them then I’m pretty sure you won’t be worrying about your makeup for a couple of hours.

I have big pores so the Primer spray doesn’t actually make my pores smaller so what I do is I still use my baby skin pore eraser from Maybelline before actually putting makeup. And that works for me. We have different skin types and different preferences so it’s actually up to you if you will use the primer alone or together with another silicone based primer or just your preferred primer.



That’s about it I think! Let me know down below if I left anything on this review.

I hope you liked it.! See you next time. 🙂



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