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MR. GREY would like to see you!

50 shades of Grey!! Softcore Porno? Horrible Movie!? Nothing new! Those are just some of the phrases I read on the internet when I searched the movie on youtube. I’m really soooo late on this post about the said movie, but I just wanted to express how I feel with those people who are actually saying negative comments about it. I was listening to Beyonce’s “Haunted” when I read some of the comments like it’s a really great song but it’s a shame how it’s associated with a horrible movie or it’s so sad that a good song has to be a theme song of a softcore porno or something like that. Even Beyonce was getting so much hate just being associated with the movie. Of course, a cliche quote for that would be “Everyone’s entitled to their opinion”. So here’s mine. I don’t personally see the movie as porn. It has story. It has romance. It has that feeling of “butterflies in your stomach” kind of thing. Maybe it’s just me or it’s just how the movie was showed here in the Philippines where their private parts were covered with black spots except for Dakota’s breasts. Anyhow, I see it as a mature and a different or rather a unique kind of lovestory. It actually opens everyone’s mind or understand why some would practice BDSM. There’s actually a deeper side of the story if you would not only focus on the sex scenes itself. Clearly the movie has a lot of sex scenes but for me it’s not the scenes itself but how each of the character has their own story for participating on that practice. Overall. I would say it’s a really great story and I’m so excited to see the next chapter of the movie! 🙂 P.S I haven’t read the book yet so everything I said was based on the movie itself. Would want to read the book if only I know where to find it! —————- REMEMBER: “Everyone’s entitled to their opinion” LOL. ————— What do you guys think? Comment down below. 🙂

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